Akvafors Softening vessels SF 1665 Triplex (CLACK vadības vārsts)

4999.00 €
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SF TRIPLEX series equipment is a water softening equipment for process and drinking water purposes. It is able to reduce water hardness and iron content.  
For recovery of filtering material (ion resins) reagent (NaCl or salt tablets) is used. Wastewaters produced in regeneration processes of equipment in SF TRIPLEX can be directly discharged to biological wastewater treatment plant. SF TRIPLEX consists of a 3 filter columns, 3 control units and 3 brine tanks. The filter columns are filled with ion exchange resin (cationic), which reduces hardness and iron concentration in water. The control units perform automatic regeneration. Brine tank is filled with a reagent (NaCl, salt tablets) for resin regeneration. Capacity of filter material is calculated according to amount of resins and raw water quality.  
SF TRIPLEX is equipped with a Clack WS CI control units, with a built-in flow meter that performs filter material regeneration according to water consumption. Control unit saves all information in case of power failure. Equipment has many parameters that can be adjusted according to needs, such as washing time, frequency, reagent consumption, and so on. It is possible to change the water hardness.   
Although the equipment uses salt tablets for regeneration it is safe to use filtered water for drinking and other human needs. It is necessary to provide electricity connection power (one socket), sewerage drainage and incoming / outgoing water supply with minimum pressure of 2.5 bar.  
Recommendation! Before selection of equipment, it is recommended to test raw water chemical composition. Recommendation! Before the water filter, it is preferable to install mechanical filter to ensure long-term equipment service life.