GEYSER kārtridžs PFM 1/0,5 - 10SL
Filtros ūdens attīrīšanai no nešķīstošām suspendētām daļiņām tiek izmantota nogulšņu kasetne PFM 1/0.5 - 10SL, kas nodrošina drošu santehnikas un sadzīves tehnikas aizsardzību, kā arī palielina citu sadzīves filtru filtru elementu resursus.
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Cena pēc pieprasījuma
Iekļaut salīdzināšanā
EFM and PFM series cartridges are designed for water purification from insoluble impurities. Unlike PP, they have a gradient porosity - the pore diameter decreases as water moves inside the cartridge, as a result of which the entire volume of the filter material works. Cartridges have modifications for hot water (PFM G and EFM G). Not subject to restoration and regeneration.
The filter element cannot be regenerated and must be replaced at the end of its service life.
EFM and PFM series cartridges are designed for water purification from insoluble impurities. Unlike PP, they have a gradient porosity - the pore diameter decreases as water moves inside the cartridge, as a result of which the entire volume of the filter material works. Cartridges have modifications for hot water (PFM G and EFM G). Not subject to restoration and regeneration.
The filter element cannot be regenerated and must be replaced at the end of its service life.
- Attīrīta ūdens temperatūra: 4 - 50°С
- Produktivitāte: 0,36 m3/stundā
- Resurss (atkarībā no avota ūdens kvalitātes): 15 m3
- Izmēri: 65 x 65 x 250 mm
- Tīrīšanas metodes: sorbcija