Ozonizers - why is air ozonation needed?

Often, during a thunderstorm, the characteristic smell of ozone is felt - the smell of purity and freshness. Ozonation of air has become a fashionable trend lately. For artificial ozonation, special devices have been created that are capable of producing ozone.

What is ozone

In its normal state, ozone is a bluish poisonous gas with a pungent pleasant odor. In nature, it is formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or during lightning discharges. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, our planet is surrounded by an ozone layer formed naturally, under the influence of solar radiation on oxygen in the air. The ozone shell protects the earth from space and solar radiation. The main use of ozone in everyday life is the disinfection and purification of water, air, surrounding objects, food and odor elimination. As a powerful oxidizing agent, ozone acts on viruses, fungi, mold spores, harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.

Ozonizers - why is air ozonation needed?

An ozonizer is a device that generates ozone by applying an electric discharge or ultraviolet rays to oxygen atoms. The concentration of the produced gas depends on the power of the device. There are household, industrial and medical ozonizers. There are special devices designed for use in cars or refrigerators.

Types of ozone generators
Ozonizers are distinguished according to the method of use:



The gas is sprayed into a refrigeration unit, living room, or other facility. Due to their high concentration, air ozonizers eliminate not only most bacteria and viruses, but also many unpleasant odors;


It is used in the purification of water, fruits, vegetables and other food products. In the process, oxides are formed, this sediment must be drained and the container cleaned after each use. Since O3 is capable of destroying various materials, the vessel must be made of glass, ceramics or wood; it is prohibited to use metal containers. When purifying tap water, ozonation should be carried out in conjunction with filtration.


The devices are used for the following purposes:

  • disinfection of premises;
  • deodorization of air in bathrooms, closets, dressing rooms, refrigerators;
  • bleaching of linen and processing of shoes;
  • disinfection of food products to increase their shelf life.

Benefits of air ozonation

One of the main advantages of ozonation is the ability to destroy any pathogenic microflora present in the atmosphere and water: viruses, harmful bacteria, microorganisms and fungi. Ozone also has a detrimental effect on unicellular parasites.

Ozonizers are capable of:

  • get rid of unpleasant odors and cigarette smoke;
  • destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • accelerate recovery from viral infections and exclude their spread;
  • stabilize blood pressure and relieve headaches.

Ozonation of air in warehouses with food products increases their safety. Ozonizers for water saturate it with oxygen, eliminating excess iron. The appliances built into the refrigerator destroy bacteria and can extend the shelf life of food.