Mineralization of water


Osmosis mineralizer - what is it?

The transparency of the water flowing from the tap does not mean its purity: on the way from the water intake to the consumer, it collects a lot of impurities that enter the stomach and intestines, causing diseases of the mucous membranes. A reverse osmosis filter is a system that makes drinking water really clean, tasty and neutral for the body, but, alas, it takes away some of the useful minerals. That is why, in such systems, for water with a reduced salt content, a cartridge is used - a mineralizer, which enriches the water with natural minerals.


The mineral composition of water has three main components that every person should pay attention to and understand:

- the quantitative content of minerals in the water;

- a set of minerals present in the water;

- the qualitative state of minerals (their availability for the human body).

Osmosis mineralizer functions


Reverse osmosis filters purify water fully and efficiently, retaining up to 99% of excess substances. Its taste is different from the water flowing from the tap, and this can confuse people who are used to ordinary raw water. To bring back their favorite taste, reverse osmosis filter manufacturers add mineralizers to their systems. Water enters such blocks already purified. Washing off minerals, it dissolves a small part of them, acquiring a taste close to natural.


The principle of operation of the mineralizer

Let us dwell in more detail on the operation of the mineralizing cartridge, which is used to saturate purified water with useful magnesium and calcium salts. This cartridge is practically a sorption post-filter for water and improves its organoleptic characteristics, enriching it with ions of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium chlorine, fluorine, etc. How does the mineralizing filter work? The mineral filling inside this cartridge dissolves slowly, thus saturating the water with all the necessary trace elements. The material for such filling is calcite, i.e. calcium carbonate. Some mineralizers also contain magnesium. Both minerals normalize the acidity of the water and make it tasty.