Ion exchange - trap for hardness salts and heavy metals

Everyone knows that when salt dissolves in water, the latter becomes salty. This is because many salts, when interacting with water, break down into charged particles - ions. Positively charged ions (cations) are usually metals. Some of them are harmless, and some (literally and figuratively) poison our lives.

Heavy metal salts enter the water from various sources, the most common of which are:

various geological rocks;

human industrial activity.

How to purify water from heavy metals

To remove metals from water, special materials are used - ion exchange resins. Resins are traditionally called resins - previously, any polymeric materials were called so. As the name implies, they are able to exchange one ion for another. As a rule, their granules look like balls resembling pollock caviar. But there are other forms as well.

Carboxyl resin and sulfosmol

Carboxy resin is used in jug filter modules. In turn, sulfosmol is suitable for water softening and iron removal in automatic softening systems. It is easy to regenerate, that is, to restore the exchange capacity.

One of the goals of water treatment is to remove iron from the water. If it is there in dissolved form, it cannot be seen immediately. But if you divide a solution containing iron into two parts, pass one of them through an ion exchange resin and shake both samples, the water is aerated - saturated with oxygen - and the iron in the unfiltered sample oxidizes and precipitates as rust, coloring the water in a reddish color. And the sample passed through the ion exchange resin remains clean. Because the resin will change iron ions in it for sodium ions.


But the ion exchange resin may not be in granules, but take, for example, a fibrous form, like Aqualen chelated microfiber, specially designed to remove heavy metals.

If a bluish solution of copper sulfate, known as blue vitriol, is passed through Aqualen, then all the copper will remain on the fiber. The output will be a clear, drinkable liquid. Aqualene will partially turn bluish. Charcoal itself does not do well with heavy metals, and you can’t add granulated resin to a carbon block - it will swell and fall apart when it comes into contact with water. Aqualene, on the other hand, goes well with carbon block: this technology for manufacturing a filter module is called carbon block with fiber.

Ion-exchange materials and cartridges in AQUAPHOR filters are a guarantee of clean and soft water without heavy metals, which is pleasant and healthy to drink. Our quality for your health!