How to wash your hair?

Beautiful hair, shiny in the sun and obedient when styling ...

Every woman dreams of such. However, more often we have to observe something completely different - split ends, dry roots ... The ecology, spring beriberi, and excessive passion for coloring and curling are to blame for this.

How does water affect the condition of the hair?

Often the cause of ugly, lifeless hair is improper care for them. For example, the water with which we wash our hair.


What is in tap water?


Used to disinfect water. Chlorine dries the scalp, which causes dandruff, and the hair itself becomes brittle, split, and if they are dyed, they quickly lose color.

Salts of calcium and magnesium

The so-called "hardness salts" deprive the hair of its natural silkiness and elasticity. Even combing after washing with hard water can be difficult.


The iron contained in the water makes hair faded, and gray and blond hair can be dyed reddish.

Why is it dangerous to use liquids with increased rigidity for hair:

causes dryness;

clogs the skin pores on the head;

weakens the structure of the hairs;

leads to the rapid destruction of the cuticle under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;

negatively affects the growth and subsequent development of follicles.

Cosmetologists unanimously declare that water softening for hygiene procedures is the key to the health of the skin and strands. What to do and how to save hair? There are many effective remedies that are available at home. The filter will help make the water soft. There are desktop, flow under the sink, for cleaning water pipes and heating systems.