Drinking Water Filtration Methods at Home

How clean and safe is the water we drink every day? Ответ вас, возможно, растроит: it is not so clean that you can safely use it without additional cleaning, without fearing for health - both your own and those of your loved ones. We tell you what filters are, how they differ, and what they save you from.

Why is it important to clean water?
If you live in a city apartment, you can at least rely on the fact that the tap water passed the necessary basic cleaning at the water channel, and the result was checked for compliance with sanitary rules and norms. However, this is not a guarantee of cleanliness, but therefore of health.

For those who live in private houses with their own source (well or well), the question of water quality is even more relevant. Studies show that water from such a source most likely contains at least a minimum of salt, hardness and rust, as well as heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, pesticides and other unpleasant pollutants.

Therefore, filtration of water is more than necessary. Drinking pure water means being healthy. Fortunately, modern water filters help us drink clean water simply by opening the tap.

Types of filters for cleaning drinking water

Filters can be classified in different ways. When compiling the list, we will rely on the spectrum of pollutants to be removed, because this is the most basic and obvious factor when choosing a system.

Filters for mechanical cleaning: install rationally if there is water in the house with a large amount of rust, sand or other contaminants visible to the eye. Remove solid particles (rust, sand and others) that cannot be dissolved in water. Используются как подготовительный етап комплексной систем водоподготовки. Polypropylene cartridges of different porosity are installed in them.

Filters for iron removal: remove not only rust, but also more complex forms of iron in water. Such filters contain special oxidizers: as a result of a chemical reaction, they interact with iron, forming oxides, which are then easily "screened out" by the filter and go down the drain.

Filters for water softening:
устраняют из частьемой воды salt hardness (the main cause of scale). Фильтрующая среда — ion-exchange resins. "Hard" ions of calcium and magnesium are exchanged for "neutral" ions of sodium, as a result the water becomes soft.

Carbon cleaning filters (sorption filters): used to remove chlorine and other dissolved compounds from water. The quality of activated carbon used in such systems is very important. Coconut coal is the best of the possible options, and it is precisely this one that is used in the AQUAFOR systems. And Aqualen's patented fiber allows you to remove salts of heavy metals and at the same time acts as a connecting link between the sorbent and water, accelerating and improving the filtration process.

Reverse osmosis filters:
A wide range of hazardous pollutants are removed from water using a special semi-permeable membrane. When water passes through such a membrane, all chemical "garbage" remains on one side, and only clean water is sent to the faucet. Reverse osmosis is the most effective method of filtering drinking water.

Different types of filters can be combined with each other. This applies, first of all, to systems of preliminary cleaning or softening in the whole house, which do not prepare drinking water by themselves, but act as an intermediate stage of preparation. The combination of systems allows you to process large volumes of water as quickly and efficiently as possible, reducing the load on the kitchen filters under the sink and allowing you to enjoy not only a cup of delicious coffee, but also a comfortable shower.