ECO PRO-440, Reverse osmosis membrane (membrane element) Dow Filmtec Dupont

FilmTecTM Eco Pro-440:
• Offershighsalt-rejectionatlowpressure
• Deliversexcellentsilica,boron,nitrate,TOCand
ammonium rejection
• Providesincreasedactiveareawiththemosteffective
cleaning performance, robustness and durability due to its widest cleaning pH range (1-13) and chemical tolerance and the support of DuPont technical representatives
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1099.00 €
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Additional Important Information
Before use or storage, review these additional resources for important information: UsageGuidelinesforFilmTecTM8”Elements(FormNo.45-D01706-en)

Product Stewardship
DuPont has a fundamental concern for all who make, distribute, and use its products, and for the environment in which we live. This concern is the basis for our product stewardship philosophy by which we assess the safety, health, and environmental information on our products and then take appropriate steps to protect employee and public health and our environment. The success of our product stewardship program rests with each and every individual involved with DuPont products—from the initial concept and research, to manufacture, use, sale, disposal, and recycle of each product.

Customer Notice
DuPont strongly encourages its customers to review both their manufacturing processes and their applications of DuPont products from the standpoint of human health and environmental quality to ensure that DuPont products are not used in ways for which they are not intended or tested. DuPont personnel are available to answer your questions and to provide reasonable technical support. DuPont product literature, including safety data sheets, should be consulted prior to use of DuPont products. Current safety data sheets are available from DuPont.
Please be aware of the following:
The use of this productin and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water. Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.

Regulatory Note
This product may be subject to drinking water application restrictions in some countries; please check the application status before use and sale.

Productivity: 48.0 m3 / day
Selectivity: 99.7%
Filter surface area: 41 m2
Membrane Type: Thin Film Composite
Membrane material: PA (Polyamide)
Membrane surface charge: Negative
Construction: Roll membrane with FRP sheath (fiberglass).
Length: 1016 mm
Outside diameter: 201 mm
Outlet tube diameter: 28mm

Filmtec ECO PRO-440 low pressure membrane with increased filtration area for brackish water.
General storage conditions for membranes:
All items should be stored in a dry room at room temperature to prevent them from freezing or overheating. If the integrity of the plastic packaging is violated, a new protective solution must be poured into the membrane and sealed to prevent the appearance of bacteria.
After starting to use, all elements must always be in the water.
The water obtained during the first hour of operation must be drained in order to rinse the system elements from the protective solution.
All Filmtec elements must be stored in a protective solution during storage, transport, or when the system is shut down to prevent bacteria or freezing. The standard solution consists of a 1% solution of soda bisulfate or a 1% solution of soda metabisulfite (food grade). For a short-term shutdown of the system (no more than a week), a 1% solution of soda metabisulfite is sufficient to prevent the formation of bacteria. The customer is fully responsible for the use of chemicals incompatible with the elements. Their use will void the warranty for these items.